Hi Klaus,

Am 2017-01-15 um 17:43 schrieb Klaus Ethgen:
> Hi Willi,
> Am Sa den 14. Jan 2017 um 16:43 schrieb Willi Mann:
>> in order to come closer to a fix for this issue, I propose the following
>> two patches:
>> 0001-Add-outputencoding-parameter.patch
>> This patch allows to configure the value for the charset in the
>> Content-Type line in mail output. This should address Klaus Ethgen's
>> original concern.
> Well, partly. It will, in fact, let me configure it the way, that it
> solves my issue.
> However, It does not fix the issue itself as it does not ensure that the
> output in mail is that charset. As I mentioned before, this is exactly
> the issue. The mail could be easily in UTF-8. But then there has to be
> logic to keep sure that the mail is in that charset. Without, you could
> still end with logical incorrect mails that are (partly) in different
> charsets that is illegal for UTF-8.

I understand that the illegal UTF-8 is bad. But I have to admit that I'm
not yet sure why it is bad in terms of security, especially since we are
talking about mail - and anyone could send you an e-mail with illegal
UTF-8 sequences.

>> Since most people use UTF-8, I left the default at UTF-8.
> No objection about that. But you cannot be sure that log stuff is in the
> same charset.

Yeah, that I'm aware of.

>> 0002-Use-pager-on-stdout-output-to-terminal.patch
> [...]
>> Let me know what you think about these patches.
> Patches looks good for me for fixing the bug partly. Nevertheless I
> would expect some use of iconv for really ensure the choosed charset.
> Maybe even encguess can come to use for guessing the input.

Does anybody have a good idea on how to implement this? Concerning the
second part (guessing the input encoding), I'm not really sure at
what point logwatch should try to guess and assume a particular charset.
Especially for the first part, does anybody know some example code?
Maybe some other project that had to solve the same issue in Perl?


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