
Debian stretch is now frozen.

The next version of openmpi 2.0.2 (released last week!) contains an
SOVERSION transition, and hasn't a hope of making stretch, IMO.

While I can file an upstream bug to get the default changed, it would
happen at best in the next release,  June-July timeframe. This gives
realistically two options:
(1) Cherry pick a fix / patch to undo the change to openmpi to revert
the behavior. Have the same program fail to work across different
platforms due to our local version of openmpi.
(2) Add the '--oversubscribe' flag / set -np correctly on the test cases
of the packages affected.

Personally I favour (2).

(In the interests of disclosure, I will have to do an upload of a new
version of openmpi anyway for stretch, to fix #848574. This will be a
copy of 2.0.2 backing out the API change that necessitated the SOVERSION
change, but only that).

Best regards

Alastair McKinstry, <alast...@sceal.ie>, <mckins...@debian.org>, 
Misentropy: doubting that the Universe is becoming more disordered. 

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