desc spamfilter_users
Field Type Null Key Default Extra  idint(11) 
unsignedNOPRINULLauto_incrementsys_useridint(11) unsignedNO 0 
sys_groupidint(11) unsignedNO 0 sys_perm_uservarchar(5)NO   
sys_perm_groupvarchar(5)NO   sys_perm_othervarchar(5)NO   server_idint(11) 
unsignedNO 0 prioritytinyint(3) unsignedNO 7 policy_idint(11) unsignedNO 1 
emailvarchar(255)NOUNI  fullnamevarchar(64)YES NULL localvarchar(1)YES NULL  
desc spamfilter_policy
Field Type Null Key Default Extra  idint(11) 
unsignedNOPRINULLauto_incrementsys_useridint(11) unsignedNO 0 
sys_groupidint(11) unsignedNO 0 sys_perm_uservarchar(5)NO   
sys_perm_groupvarchar(5)NO   sys_perm_othervarchar(5)NO   
policy_namevarchar(64)YES NULL virus_loverenum('N','Y')YES NULL 
spam_loverenum('N','Y')YES NULL banned_files_loverenum('N','Y')YES NULL 
bad_header_loverenum('N','Y')YES NULL bypass_virus_checksenum('N','Y')YES NULL 
bypass_spam_checksenum('N','Y')YES NULL bypass_banned_checksenum('N','Y')YES 
NULL bypass_header_checksenum('N','Y')YES NULL 
spam_modifies_subjenum('N','Y')YES NULL virus_quarantine_tovarchar(255)YES NULL 
spam_quarantine_tovarchar(255)YES NULL banned_quarantine_tovarchar(255)YES NULL 
bad_header_quarantine_tovarchar(255)YES NULL clean_quarantine_tovarchar(255)YES 
NULL other_quarantine_tovarchar(255)YES NULL spam_tag_levelfloatYES NULL 
spam_tag2_levelfloatYES NULL spam_kill_levelfloatYES NULL spa
m_dsn_cutoff_levelfloatYES NULL spam_quarantine_cutoff_levelfloatYES NULL 
addr_extension_virusvarchar(64)YES NULL addr_extension_spamvarchar(64)YES NULL 
addr_extension_bannedvarchar(64)YES NULL 
addr_extension_bad_headervarchar(64)YES NULL warnvirusrecipenum('N','Y')YES 
NULL warnbannedrecipenum('N','Y')YES NULL warnbadhrecipenum('N','Y')YES NULL 
newvirus_adminvarchar(64)YES NULL virus_adminvarchar(64)YES NULL 
banned_adminvarchar(64)YES NULL bad_header_adminvarchar(64)YES NULL 
spam_adminvarchar(64)YES NULL spam_subject_tagvarchar(64)YES NULL 
spam_subject_tag2varchar(64)YES NULL message_size_limitint(11) unsignedYES NULL 
banned_rulenamesvarchar(64)YES NULL policyd_quota_inint(11)NO -1 
policyd_quota_in_periodint(11)NO 24 policyd_quota_outint(11)NO -1 
policyd_quota_out_periodint(11)NO 24 policyd_greylistenum('Y','N')NO N  
SELECT *, FROM spamfilter_users LEFT JOIN spamfilter_policy 
('','','','','@.') ORDER BY 
spamfilter_users.priority DESC;
id sys_userid sys_groupid sys_perm_user sys_perm_group sys_perm_other server_id 
priority policy_id email fullname local id sys_userid sys_groupid sys_perm_user 
sys_perm_group sys_perm_other policy_name virus_lover spam_lover 
banned_files_lover bad_header_lover bypass_virus_checks bypass_spam_checks 
bypass_banned_checks bypass_header_checks spam_modifies_subj 
virus_quarantine_to spam_quarantine_to banned_quarantine_to 
bad_header_quarantine_to clean_quarantine_to other_quarantine_to spam_tag_level 
spam_tag2_level spam_kill_level spam_dsn_cutoff_level 
spam_quarantine_cutoff_level addr_extension_virus addr_extension_spam 
addr_extension_banned addr_extension_bad_header warnvirusrecip warnbannedrecip 
warnbadhrecip newvirus_admin virus_admin banned_admin bad_header_admin 
spam_admin spam_subject_tag spam_subject_tag2 message_size_limit 
banned_rulenames policyd_quota_in policyd_quota_in_period policyd_quota_out 
policyd_quota_out_period policyd_greylist id  411riudriud 151receiver@do
main2.comreceiver@domain2.comY110riudriudrNormalniNNNNNNNNN      -504.5154.515  
  NNN       0 -124-124N4 
Content of these 2 tables are still the same, nothing is changing them. Data 
types of all the affected fields and it's field names are consistent with 
amavisd-new docs and confirmed to be working before the mentioned update of my 
debian system in the late november.
Od: Brian May <>
Komu: Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <>,, LOC 
Datum: 13.02.2017 22:19
Předmět: Bug#847311: amavisd-new: After the last Debian update Amavis does not read data 
type float from Mysql DB correctly. All fields are "0".

Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <> writes:

> LOC, could you send (to this bug report) a dump of the *schema* for the
> relevant tables (the ones returning 0 instead of the correct float) ?

LOC, please connect to the database using the mysql client, and type in
the following commands. Send back the results.

desc spamfilter_users;
desc spamfilter_policy;
SELECT *, FROM spamfilter_users LEFT JOIN spamfilter_policy 
('','','','','@.') ORDER BY 
spamfilter_users.priority DESC;

(I don't have a mysql server handy to test this on, however the first
two should dump the database schema and the last should reproduce the
failing query)

Can I also confirm that absolutely nothing is writing to these tables?

> Maybe ISPConfig is not creating them exactly the same way amavisd-
> new would...

I see schema information at
- according the git blame this hasn't changed within 6 years (line
endings were changed).  I would like confirmation that this matches what
is installed on the LOC's system. The above commands should answer that.
Brian May <>

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