retitle 851876 slt: FTBFS on uniprocessor systems - testsuite deadlocks
forwarded 851876


On 15/02/17 11:24, Roger Shimizu wrote:
> Dear James,
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 7:51 PM, James Cowgill <> wrote:
>> So do you know why the tests only pass when using 2 CPUs? That seems
>> pretty fishy to me. Maybe there is an underlying bug here?
> I'm not sure the reason.
> I was just trying to help on the FTBFS RC bug during BSP Tokyo.

I found the actual cause - there's a race condition in the testsuite
which will usually (100% in practice) cause it to deadlock on single
processor systems. You can look at the bug I filed upstream if you want.

> What I know is this is not rare, like another one I fixed:

This is at best a big hack, since it almost certainly hides a real bug,
but I guess in this situation it does kind of work since the bug is in
the testsuite.

> Could you kindly help to upload?
> Buildd [0] shows it actually build fine for all ARCHs I should build,
> so I don't what to trigger the autoremove ...


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