gustavo panizzo <> writes:

> If the bug is not amavisd-new but perl/DBI, shouldn't this bug be 
> reassigned and its severity lowered?

Unfortunately this bug may not be caused by any errors in amavisd-new,
however it still affects user's of amavisd-new. So I think it still
applies here.

> I ask because I won't maintain amavisd-new on stretch, but as a user of 
> it I'd like to have it


For the record, the justification given for this being grave is "causes
non-serious data loss". By "data loss" I assume they mean
"mis-classifies large numbers of emails as spam on some systems".

However I don't consider this to be data loss. By data loss I think
policy means "deletes/currupts random files". Hence I don't think this
should be an RC bug.

It is also worth mentioning that many people use amavisd-new without
mysql support (which is completely optional) and are not affected by
this bug.

> I volunteer to fill the unblock request if the maintainer agrees.  It is 
> too late but i'd try anyway, the debdiff between  2.10.1-2~deb8u1 and 
> 2.10.1-4 shouldn't be big

I think a best recommendation would be to ask the release team for
recommendations on how to proceed. I suspect the best way to contact
them might be via an unblock request.

I don't expect amavisd-new will be allowed back into testing, now that
it has been removed. "After 5th January 2017, removed packages will not
be permitted to re-enter testing." However maybe they might allow
amavisd-new to reenter via the next point release.

I would like to see the Perl bug fixed. There hasn't been any patches
yet, let alone feedback from Perl upstream. So it is not possible to be
certain if the bug is in Perl or libdbd-mysql-perl, or how intrusive the
fix might be.

One thing certain however, I don't believe this bug can be fixed (or
worked around even) by changing amavisd-new.
Brian May <>

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