Hi Florian, hi release team

On Sun, 26 Feb 2017 17:00:22 +0100 Florian Schlichting <f...@debian.org>
> Control: tags -1 +patch
> Hi Michael, Berlin BSP here.
> Given that it's too late now to get a mallard-rng package into Stretch,
> I suggest to ship the mallard-1.0.rng file as part of the yelp-tools
> package for now (e.g. as /usr/share/yelp-tools/mallard/mallard-1.0.rng)
> and simply use that as relaxng schema in yelp-check:


> Do you want me to prepare an NMU or would you prefer to validate or
> improve upon the fix in some way?

First of all, thanks a lot for working on this.
I've CCed the release team for their input.

The issue is, that "yelp-check validate" requires network access as it
needs the mallard-1.0.rng schema which is not packaged yet [0].

Now, according to [1], entangle is the only source package actually
running "yelp-check validate" during build [1]. If there is no network
access this doesn't lead to a failed build though, as "yelp-check
validate" always returns 0, even on error (which I consider to be a bug
[2], fwiw).

Shipping a copy of the mallard-rng schema in yelp-tools is a workaround
and I guess Florian agress that packaging the mallard-rng schema is what
should be done (and help with that would be grealy appreciated).

I'm undecided whether we should apply the workaround for stretch given
that we don't produce any build failures, that's why I'd like some input
from the release team on this:

Should we apply Florian's patch [3] or tag the bug as stretch-ignore?
Other suggestions?


[0] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=788769
[1] https://codesearch.debian.net/search?q=yelp-check+validate
[2] https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=779615
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