OK, so talking to pabs@ on debian-mentors, seems like a good approach
to take here is to do NMU uploads to unstable and stable. I'm happy to
do the work there (short of uploading, since I can't).

Second part: Marcos, do you use this package on stable, testing or
unstable? Also note that dirty.js has been removed from testing branch
because of the RC bug and thus won't be in stretch. So if you'll be
using stable (which will be stretch soon), this NMU business isn't
going to help you much.

Third part: it seems like you might want to join Debian JS
Maintainers. :) It looks like they could use the help, you use their
packages and have already prepared an NMU upload once, so you know
your way around deb packaging. Something to consider, especially if
you use this package and would like to see it continue being
maintained. :)

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