Control: tags -1 + moreinfo

On Sun, 30 Jul 2017 20:22:07 +0200 "Eduard Bloch"
<> wrote:
> clone 849875 -1
> reassign -1 network-manager
> retitle -1 WPA usage error: Invalid passphrase character
> thanks
> On Sat, Jul 01, 2017 at 11:32:28PM +0200, Francesco Poli wrote:
> > Dear Debian wpasupplicant Maintainers,
> > I noticed that these 3 RC bugs (#849122, #849077, #849875) are marked
> > as found in wpa/2.6-2, which is now superseded by versions with epoch 2.
> > What seems to have happened (please correct me, if I am wrong) is that
> > the upstream version 2.4 was reintroduced into unstable (with epoch 2)
> > and then migrated to stretch (before the stretch release as stable).
> > 
> > Hence, I would say that those three bugs only affect experimental and
> > are not in stretch, buster or sid.
> > 
> > Could you please confirm that these 3 bugs should be marked as fixed in
> > wpa/2:2.4-1 and found in wpa/2:2.6-4 ?
> Ok, now the problem from the original report has hit me too.
> I could not figure out what is going on. I selected an AP which has been
> working fine for months, and suddenly NM switched me to another AP
> (which works partly since it is far away and reception quality is bad).
> I tried removing wpasupplicant and network-manager. Purging config.
> Nothing helps. Checking the log, and WOW... (see attachment).
> So wpa_supplicant says "Line 0: Invalid passphrase character".
> Line 0 of what? This is most likely the input from NM which means: NM
> feeds wpa_supplicant with CRAP. But which crap? When NM asked me for
> passphrase, I am absolutely sure that I entered the correct one.

Does the password have any special characters?
Can you change the WPA passphrase to something else (say only letters)
and try again?
Please also provide a full debug log from NetworkManager (and
wpasupplicant) when the problem happens.

which versions of wpasupplicant and network-manager do you have installed?

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