Control: severity -1 serious


2017-09-09 5:33 GMT+02:00 Simon Quigley <>:
> Control: retitle -1 razorqt: Razor-Qt dead upstream, superseded by LXQt
> Control: severity -1 grave
> Hello,
> Bump on this. razorqt has been dead upstream for several years now
> (several LXQt releases have made it in Debian, even making it into
> Stretch), and popcon statistics have dropped. I would like to get this
> removed as part of the effort to remove Qt 4 from the archive for Buster
> as announced[1].
>> so I would just feel bad removing it from the archive at this
>> point.
> I don't see a reason to keep this in the archive, but I'm not the
> maintainer... I don't see an upload since 2014, and since it's not
> maintained upstream, there could be severe bugs or security issues in
> the packaged version that have not been discovered. In my opinion this
> is a compelling reason to finally drop it, and it might just be better
> than keeping it in the archive.
> Thoughts?

I already explained this in the bug report multiple times in different
messages of this bug report.

Yes, the package will have to be removed beause Qt4 is going to be
removed, I already said that in the original submission.  It turns out
that Qt4 was not removed in 6 months time, as I expected then, and 2.5
years later is still here.

Since there are no upstream releases and haven't been important bugs
reported, coupled with the pending removal, there have been no strong
reasons for new uploads.  However, I use it on a daily basis on
several computers and it works fine.

There are many packages, including similar desktops/windows managers,
in the same situation, and they were even shipped in the last stable
(unlike razorqt).  Razorqt is still more popular than other WMs, even
not being in the last stable, and contrary to my expectations users
didn't migrate en-masse to LXQt, popcon reports 70% of the users at
the peak time in 2015.

So: If Qt4 is going to be removed within a month, by all means, let's
go ahead and remove razorqt now.  But if the news are that it's going
to be removed "in buster release cycle", which might mean even 2 years
time, and perhaps even it ends up not being removed (as the
announcement says) please lets this package be until it actually
blocks the removal of Qt4.

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo <>

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