Hello Simon,

On Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 01:00:48PM -0500, Simon Deziel wrote:
> Currently, the Apparmor profile only applies to
> /usr/lib/thunderbird/thunderbird so if you change the wrapper script to
> call the "-bin" version, it would side step Apparmor.

good catch, at least Jack has apparmor installed. But I haven't seen
that on the first look while the bug report was ariving.

> Maybe side stepping Apparmor is what made the "-bin" version work?
> That's a wild guess (I don't run Debian) but if that's the case, it
> would be better to fix the Apparmor profile. An easy way to check if
> Apparmor gets in the way would be to start thunderbird (no "-bin") and
> then run:
>   dmesg -T | grep 'apparmor="DENIED"'
> If anything comes up please attach it in here.

Jack, Jan could you booth please test what Simon is guessing?


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