On Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 06:22:05PM -0800, Benj. Mako Hill wrote:
> I'll also say that I'm skeptical about both the severity you've chosen
> here (serious), about describing this as a FTBFS issue, and about your
> suggestion that this is a DFSG issue.

I deliberately avoided the FTBFS language, because it is not a FTBFS.
It's different. It's like shipping a binary that cannot be regenerated
and using that during build. The term FTBFS is well defined and does not
cover this case.

> If there is a serious DFSG issue here, it's not a FTBFS issue but
> rather a question of whether or not the source package contains the
> full source in the first place. I'm open to being convinced otherwise
> but I think it does.

I do believe that this is a DFSG issue.

> If I generate a configure file with autoconf and then modify it by
> hand in order to create a working build script, I don't I've somehow
> made it impossible to provide source for that package. I think I'm
> still providing the preferred form of modification (as the GPL defines
> source). I agree that that situation is brittle and bad and should be
> avoided.  But I don't think it's a DFSG issue.

Would you say the same if you compile a binary, use a hex editor to fix
the binary and then ship the binary in your source package? I mean you
preferred to edit the binary with a hex editor, so wouldn't it be
preferred form for modification?

Now consider my case. Most commonly, I want to change AC_RUN_IFELSE into
AC_TRY_COMPILE or AC_COMPUTE_INT. That's a very simple change on
configure.ac that produces a big diff on the generated configure.

Also consider that autoconf projects tend to ship embedded copies of .m4
files. A bug in those .m4 files is often fixed upstream. Fixing it could
be a simple matter of updating the embedded copy if one could regenerate

In both of these examples, I very much do not prefer working with the
generated configure as it feels very much like editing a binary with a
hex editor. Thus I argue that configure is not the preferred form for
modification. Shipping only configure makes DFGS #3 practically moot.

> If this has been discussed elsewhere or if there is Debian policy on
> this I don't know about, I'd appreciate being pointed to this and I'm
> happy to defer to this. In the meantime, I'd appreciate help fixing
> this issue. I'm not likely to have bandwidth for a few more weeks.

I guess we should document this issue class centrally. It is similar to
the javascript bundling issue (where people suppose that minified or
concatenated javascript files could be considered source). A very
similar bu is #874261. #882538 could be called related.

This issue comes about every time Debian is bootstrapped for a new
architecture as configure tends to have bugs (e.g. ppc64el). I'm seeing
it now as I bootstrap Debian for something like a new architecture
(cross building). So this is the class of bugs to watch out.


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