Package: bzr
Version:  2.7.0+bzr6622-9
Severity: serious
Tags: patch

The last armel bzr build failed to build from source, and I've tried to
reproduce the issue unsuccessfully.

I tried building it on, and it failed in a *different*
way, complaining about unicode issues. Setting LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 seemed to
fix that issue for me.

Forcing the test suite to run with the C.UTF-8 locale, available in all
recent versions of Debian (and even some pretty old ones), at least
fixed the unicode issues when run on

--- rules.orig  2017-12-06 17:41:18.206442819 -0800
+++ rules       2017-12-06 17:41:57.290537132 -0800
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
        BZR_PLUGIN_PATH=-site:-user \
        BZR_DISABLE_PLUGINS=launchpad \
        PYTHONPATH=$(wildcard $(CURDIR)/build/lib.*-$(PYVERSION)) \
+       LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 \
+       LANG=C.UTF-8 \
        $(CURDIR)/build/scripts-$(PYVERSION)/bzr -Derror selftest -v 

Maybe it's worth re-uploading with the above patch.

live well,

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