On Sun, 25 Feb 2018 14:47:19 +1100 Ben Finney <bign...@debian.org> wrote:
> On 25-Feb-2018, Balasankar C wrote:
> > Note: I have enabled the atwho JS file from cloudflare CDN in it.
> How is that related to the upstream source?

These days most browser libraries are developed in a node.js environment
and the output of these source files are generated by tools (module
bundlers) like browserify, rollup and webpack (in this particular case I
think gulp-umd + gulp-concat and other gulp plugins).

cloudflare CDN is distributing the output of these source files
(generated using gulp). Because browsers don't implement all APIs of
Nodejs, we cannot directly use these source files, but need to use a
module bundler like webpack (we have two module bundlers in debian now -
webpack and rollup). I have been replacing many of the build scripts to
use webpack instead of rollup for some time (as rollup was accepted only
a week back).

Many times, there is also an extra step of transpiling before we can
bundle the modules. A transpiler like babel or buble (both now available
in main), convert code written in ES6 version of javascript to ES5 that
browsers understand. In this particular case, we don't have the
transpile step and we directly bundle the modules using gulp-umd and

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