On Saturday, 23 June 2018 10:59:58 PM AEST Santiago Vila wrote:
> Hmm, no, sorry but you can't do that.
> I asked the Release Managers about "dpkg-buildpackage -A" bugs more
> than two years ago and they are RC like any other FTBFS bug.
> They were already RC for stretch. Please see Bug #830997 for details.

A know and I disagree. I'm happy to argue about that but please let's not do 
that. As far as I'm concerned it is not productive to inject that kind of 
issues into maintainer's queue at the highest severity.

For the first time in two years Docker migrated into testing and I don't want 
this accomplishment (and result of a very hard work) to be compromised by 
issue that have neither serious build-time nor run-time implications. Also I 
don't believe that the problem is new...

I will treat this issue as important and I will add GitLab/CI test to ensure 
that this problem is not introduced again...

 Dmitry Smirnov.


However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the
        -- Winston Churchill

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