
On Wed, Jun 06, 2018 at 03:35:36PM +0600, Сергей Коган wrote:
> [...]
> It looks like T6x, T400/500, T410/510, T420/520 laptop families could be
> affected by this problem. Starting from the T430/530 series, a communication
> protocol with the EC was changed - breaking tp_smapi driver and fixing the
> described problem as a side effect.
> [...]

This may be completely unrelated, but it seems somewhat relevant:

When pressing and holding a key during memtest86+ on an otherwise perfectly
working T420, there are errors due to a different value being read than was
written. Initially I thought my memory/motherboard is faulty and the keyboard
pressure is triggering this, but the patterns are totally deterministic: the
same key always does the same "damage" to the bits.

Perhaps there is indeed something mapped into the memory... :-)

Tomáš Janoušek, a.k.a. Pivník, a.k.a. Liskni_si, http://work.lisk.in/

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