
the bug log of #790196[1] shows that rasmol in its current state will
not be distributable with Buster.  Upstream is dead so if we want to
keep it in Debian we have the option:

   1) Port it to Gtk+ 3 (see porting guide [2])
   2) Find a Gtk+ 2 replacement for libvte
   3) Give up and remove this package from Debian

Since option 3 would be a shame for a package with quite some users[3]
(at least in the field of scientific software) I'm hereby making some
noise about this.  My recent upload updates metadata (Salsa migration),
fixed all other bugs and most of the lintian issues.

I'd be really happy if someone could spent some time into this


[1] https://bugs.debian.org/790196
[2] https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/gtk-migrating-2-to-3.html
[3] https://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=rasmol


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