On 8 apr 2006, at 20:25, Frederik Schüler wrote:

bitlbee misses a build dependency on po-debconf:

*Oof* It indeed does. I'm building a new package now. Thanks for the quick notification. I have to clean up my BitlBee packaging stuff a bit, keeping two trees in sync is obviously not working out. :-)

Wilmer van der Gaast.

+-------- .''`.     - -- ---+  +        - -- --- ---- ----- ------+
| wilmer : :'  :  gaast.net |  | OSS Programmer   www.bitlbee.org |
| lintux `. `~'  debian.org |  | Full-time geek  wilmer.gaast.net |
+--- -- -  ` ---------------+  +------ ----- ---- --- -- -        +

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