On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 09:19:24PM -0500, Alexis Hunt wrote:
> I have been using xmonad for a long while, and today upgraded to Buster. While
> xmonad worked at first, after making a change to my configuration file, it
> stopped working:
> 1. I can't run xmonad --recompile; it just says "Use Stack!"
> 2. Previously, I put xmonad in my .xsession and started it like that. Trying 
> to
>    do so causes it to fail, again saying "Use Stack!" in .xsession-errors, and
>    kicks me back to the login screen.
> 3. Switching to select Xmonad in LightDM's WM list lets me log in properly, 
> but
>    then xmonad crashes after executing the startup scripts.
> 4. Trying to manually recover it with --replace also says "Use Stack!"
> 5. Removing my .xmonad directory lets me log in and xmonad does not crash, but
>    none of the keybinds work so I cannot open programs, dmenu, etc.
> It is, as a result, completely unusable.

Is there any chance you have an ~/.xmonad/build script?

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