Control: forwarded -1 David Necas <>, Petr Klapetek 
Control: tags -1 upstream

Hi David and Petr,

as you can see below, we can not ship gwyddion - at least not in its
current form with GUI if it will stick to GTK-2+ toolkit.  Do you
see any chance to port it to GTK-3+?

Kind regards


On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 12:55:34PM -0400, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
> Source: gwyddion
> Version: 2.50-2
> Severity: serious
> User:
> Usertags: oldlibs gtksourceview2
> Tags: sid buster
> Control: block 911166 by -1
> gwyddion depends on gtksourceview2. The Debian GNOME team is
> trying to remove gtksourceview2 from Debian. Please port to gtk3 and
> gtksourceview4.
> Because of the late timing of this RC bug in the Buster cycle and
> because there might be a few other packages that won't be ported in
> time, please let me know if you object to gtksourceview2's removal
> from Buster.
> Thanks,
> Jeremy Bicha
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