On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 07:45:59PM +0100, Moritz Muehlenhoff wrote:
> Nearly all the tasks of actually editing the data require a look at the 
> complete
> data, e.g. to check whether something was tracked before, whether there's an 
> for something, whether something was tracked as NFU in the past and lots more.

according to git log, the data goes back to 2004. Do you really need all
those 15 years of history or could we maybe make a yearly split for
(now) the first 10 years and have the last 5 years in "one"?

And then when we move into 2019 we would move 2014 to the then 11 first
years and so on... same in 2020 with 2015 then...

IMHO we should do something, else dealing with security-tracker.git will be
even more cumbersome in 5 or 10 years ahead.


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