Control: forwarded -1

Hi Sebastiaan,

On 03.12.18 09:41, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> hdf5 is unable to migrate to testing because gnudatalanguage
> autopkgtests fail. Test failures indicate that the package is broken,
> and not suitable for release. It should be removed from testing until
> the test failures are fixed, which also allows hdf5 and its rdeps to
> migrate to testing.

That is currently in the decision of the package maintainer. Neither the
policy nor the RC document you cited list CI test failures or migration
delays as a possible cause for severity "serious".

> As announced the autopkgtest delay is increased exponentially which will
> block packages from getting into buster before the final freeze. We do
> not want that to happen, but your package is not allowing hdf5 and its
> rdeps to migrate even though there is nothing else preventing this part
> of the transition.

> Fix your failing autopkgtests or remove them. Not fixing failing
> autopkgtests in your package that prevent its dependencies from (timely)
> testing migration is very unfriendly (to phrase it very mildly).

I totally agree, I am affected as well, and I am working on it. You
shouldn't think that an "important" bug does not get attention. But this
also does not reason the severity "serious".

Best regards


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