The big problem is that activemodel is used by activerecord tet is needed by gitlab.

I updated gitlab and ended up with redmine removed...(my mistake).

But I try to install redmine, because I use both gitlab and redmine integrated.

And ended up with bug described before.

apt-get -t unstable install redmine ruby-protected-attributes


The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 ruby-protected-attributes : Depends: ruby-activemodel (< 2:5.0) but 2:5.2.2+dfsg-3 is to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

But I cannot downgrade activemodel because is used by gitlab...and activemodel in unstable is 2:5.2.2 so redmine have unmeet dependency.

Cu respect,
Dragos Jarca
Dynamic Puzzle S.R.L.

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