Control: forwarded -1

Hi Saverio,

Saverio Brancaccio wrote:
> considering that Evolvotron (the version in subject) was working before, it
> seems that the cause of the bug is related to some library like Qt5 or
> Boost that has been updated,


> so the application can't find the correct calls downside,

That's usually cared about by doing a rebuild against the newer
library version where necessary and the according versioned library
package names.

> leading to segmentation fault...

But since we still have a segfault rather often (but still not
always), it's either a bug in evolvotron which only surfaced with
newer library versions or a bug in one of these libraries which only
shows up in evolvotron - of which I kinda doubt the latter as both
libraries are used by many more popular packages in Debian and we're
very deep in the freeze now, so such issues should have surfaced
elsewhere, too.

> Is there any possibility to fix the bug considering some change in the
> building configuration (pointing to the wanted version of Qt5 or Boost) and
> recompile again Evolvotron from sources?

I doubt that for the same reasons as above. But to be sure, I just
build the package again on an up to date Debian Sid: No change in
behaviour, still segfaults most of the time.

Saverio Brancaccio wrote:
> I checked in other distribution (e.g. ubuntu LTS)

I think you mean Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. There is also Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and
until recently there was also Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

> and the Evolvotron (v.7.1) works...

I think you mean 0.7.1.

> the difference I noticed in lib versions is that libboost used there
> is 1.65.1 and not the recent one like in debian (1.67 ?)

Sure, things evolve and evolvotron got rebuilt against Boost 1.67 with
the 0.7.1-2+b1 binary upload in November 2018.

> Could it be possible to statically link the 1.65 lib to this app,
> build it and try a run?

Not that easily. And I must admit, I rather suspect changes in Qt than
in Boost, because (a) usually, incompatible changes in Boost usually
result in build failures and those would have been detect since Debian
tries to build every package every few weeks again to detect such
issues. And (b) the backtrace shows tons of Qt library calls shortly
before the crash.

Anyway, I already forwarded the issue to the upstream developer in the
hope that he can shed some light on this issue.

P.S.: Please don't send full quotes of backtraces to the Debian bug
tracking system. Just quote those sections you explicitly reply to.
See yourself how much completely redundant information has to be
scrolled over when reading your replies there:
Thanks in advance!

                Regards, Axel
 ,''`.  |  Axel Beckert <>,
: :' :  |  Debian Developer, Admin
`. `'   |  4096R: 2517 B724 C5F6 CA99 5329  6E61 2FF9 CD59 6126 16B5
  `-    |  1024D: F067 EA27 26B9 C3FC 1486  202E C09E 1D89 9593 0EDE

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