On Fri, May 31, 2019 at 5:03 PM Chris Wilson <chris+goo...@qwirx.com> wrote:

> Hi Reinhard,
> Presumably the many other affected packages have had similar difficulty in
> developing a comprehensive solution? I also wasn't aware of a time
> constraint. Not that it would have helped me much, as I was moving house,
> but it would have been good to know that there was a risk of not making
> Debian 10.

I'm sorry, I should have communicated that point earlier. I've been bitten
by this with other packages as well.
The release schedule is documented here:
The most recent update from the release team is
https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2019/04/msg00003.html - and
newer updates will be linked from https://release.debian.org/.

In short: The team is minimizing changes as much as possible, and getting
updates in becomes more and more a similar big deal as updating something
in stable.

I could create a special branch with a cut-down version of the solution,
> e.g. forcing the SecurityLevel to -1 (compatibility and warn) for the time
> being, in order to get the fix out in time for Debian 10, and then put the
> full version into backports?

That would be amazing, if the patch is easy to review, I'd be happy to
upload it as a distro patch based on the current package and try to get
this approved by the release team. It might even be accepted as a stable
update, depending on how invasive it is.


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