Am Mo,  1. Jul 2019, 15:05:30 +0200 schrieb Thomas Goirand:
> Jo, could you explain what your use case is for os-collect-config in
> Debian? I really don't get how it can be useful for you.

I'm trying to set up a Debian VM inside a OpenStack cluster using heat
orchestration.  As far as I understand it, you're supposed to do only the bare
minimum configuration using cloud-init, and do the bulk via something like
puppet, or in my case, ansible.  In that setup os-collect-config is needed to
run as a system service inside the VM to watch for configuration changes
published by heat, download the new configuration, and pass it (via some
indirection) to ansible.

I basically tried to follow this, stripping it down to only support ansible,
and adapting it to Debian:
Since Debian has a package for os-collect-config, I tried using that rather
than using it from pip[1].

This should actually be useful outside of TripleO, unless I have completely
misunderstood something.

As a side note, the indirection mentioned above seems to be one or more of
os-apply-config (package python-os-apply-config; in stretch, buster and sid)
and os-refresh-config (package python-os-refresh-config; only in buster and
sid).  I did not verify this yet, but those packages are also ancient and
probably suffer from the same problem.

Thanks for looking into this,

[1]: I'd prefer to use the Debian packages, since Debian actually cares about
     the trustworthiness and competence of its package maintainers...

Jorrit (Jö) Fahlke, Institute for Computational und Applied Mathematics,
University of Münster, Orleans-Ring 10, D-48149 Münster
Tel: +49 251 83 35146 Fax: +49 251 83 32729

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