On 7/30/19 4:14 PM, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> Hi Ron,
> On 21/07/2019 05.42, Ron Murray wrote:
>> On upgrade to buster, sendmail upgrade failed with this message:
>>> start-stop-daemon: matching only on non-root pidfile 
>>> /var/run/sendmail/mta/sendmail.pid is insecure
>> Some work with Google found Debian bug #922395, which, although not
>> for sendmail, pointed the way to the solution.
> I've just uploaded sendmail 8.15.2-13 to unstable, it would be great if
> you could test this s.t. I have a datapoint whether this fix should be
> applied to buster, too.
> Thanks
> Andreas

Thanks for the update. The same problem occurred when I upgraded to
8.15.2-13 on my two testing (bullseye) boxes. Deleting the
/var/run/sendmail/mta/sendmail.pid file and re-running aptitude fixed it.

Sadly, I wasn't smart enough to get the details on the file before I
deleted it. I'm not even certain why it was there: I would have thought
that shutting down sendmail before the upgrade should have deleted it.
Perhaps this was the problem all along.

After getting sendmail started, the file looks like this:

> -rw-r----- 1 root  smmta  53 Aug  5 22:14 sendmail.pid



Ron Murray <r...@rjmx.net>
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