Hi Sebastiaan,
I have a workaround for the basemap issue but there are still a couple
of tests failing.


Il 01/09/19 15:05, Sebastiaan Couwenberg ha scritto:
> On 8/31/19 7:14 PM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
>>> I'm going to reassign.
>> That doesn't seem appropriate, pyresample needs to be updated too. It
>> does things like this:
>>  pyresample/test/test_geometry.py:
>>         projections = {'+init=epsg:3006': 'init: epsg:3006'}
>> Note the explicit use of init files, this is not going to work correctly
>> with PROJ 6.
> As sort term workaround may be to skip these tests when
> /usr/share/proj/epsg doesn't exist (or when /usr/share/proj/proj.db does
> exist).
> Kind Regards,
> Bas

Antonio Valentino

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