Control: retitle -1 [GNOME 3.34] debsign crashes gnome on wayland session
Control: tags -1 + experimental moreinfo

On Tue, 24 Sep 2019 at 15:33:05 +0530, Pirate Praveen wrote:
> After updating gnome to 2.34

I'm fairly sure you mean 3.34. There was no GNOME 2.34 release: GNOME
2.32 was in 2010, and was followed by 3.0.

Key GNOME 3.34 components, including gnome-session and gnome-shell, are
currently only in experimental. You're welcome to try it, but please
make sure that bug reports are complete, precise and actionable.

> I'm not able to use debsign, it crashes the
> desktop. I'm logged out after screen is blacked out.

Please send details of the package versions involved, and whatever
backtraces and system log entries are available.

For what it's worth, I have not experienced similar crashes when using
debsign and pinentry-gnome3 in conjunction with a smart card (Nitrokey
Pro) in either a GNOME 3.30 or 3.34 environment. I assume most of the
other people uploading GNOME 3.34 for the GNOME team are also using
debsign and pinentry-gnome3 in that environment.


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