With the silx.io import I have this

PYTHONPATH=silx-0.11.0+dfsg/.pybuild/cpython3_3.7_silx/build python3 test.py 
pocl error: lt_dlopen("(null)") or lt_dlsym() failed with 'can't close resident 
note: missing symbols in the kernel binary might be reported as 'file not 
found' errors.

without, I have this

PYTHONPATH=silx-0.11.0+dfsg/.pybuild/cpython3_3.7_silx/build python3 test.py -v
.Maximum valid workgroup size 2048 on device <pyopencl.Device 'pthread-Intel(R) 
Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 v2 @ 2.00GHz' on 'Portable Computing Language' at 0x2d9cc20>
FThe gpyfft module was not found. The Fourier transforms will be done on CPU. 
For more performances, it is advised to install gpyfft.
.The gpyfft module was not found. The Fourier transforms will be done on CPU. 
For more performances, it is advised to install gpyfft.
The gpyfft module was not found. The Fourier transforms will be done on CPU. 
For more performances, it is advised to install gpyfft.
The gpyfft module was not found. The Fourier transforms will be done on CPU. 
For more performances, it is advised to install gpyfft.
The gpyfft module was not found. The Fourier transforms will be done on CPU. 
For more performances, it is advised to install gpyfft.
The gpyfft module was not found. The Fourier transforms will be done on CPU. 
For more performances, it is advised to install gpyfft.
The gpyfft module was not found. The Fourier transforms will be done on CPU. 
For more performances, it is advised to install gpyfft.
.The gpyfft module was not found. The Fourier transforms will be done on CPU. 
For more performances, it is advised to install gpyfft.
The gpyfft module was not found. The Fourier transforms will be done on CPU. 
For more performances, it is advised to install gpyfft.
 FutureWarning: Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is 
deprecated; use `arr[tuple(seq)]` instead of `arr[seq]`. In the future this 
will be interpreted as an array index, `arr[np.array(seq)]`, which will result 
either in an error or a different result.
  gradient[slice_all] = np.diff(img, axis=d)
.......7 warnings generated.
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyopencl/__init__.py:235: CompilerWarning: 
Non-empty compiler output encountered. Set the environment variable 
  "to see more.", CompilerWarning)
..7 warnings generated.
FAIL: test_medfilt (silx.opencl.test.test_medfilt.TestMedianFilter)
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 115, in test_medfilt
    self.assertEqual(r.error, 0, 'Results are correct')
AssertionError: 3.4028235e+38 != 0 : Results are correct

Ran 217 tests in 175.525s

FAILED (failures=1, skipped=48)

I will run it with the PYOPENCL_COMPILEr_OUTPUT=1 to check that compiler warning

(sid_amd64-dchroot)picca@barriere:~$ PYOPENCL_COMPILER_OUTPUT=1 
PYTHONPATH=silx-0.11.0+dfsg/.pybuild/cpython3_3.7_silx/build python3 test.py -v
.Maximum valid workgroup size 2048 on device <pyopencl.Device 'pthread-Intel(R) 
Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 v2 @ 2.00GHz' on 'Portable Computing Language' at 0x2d6e6d0>
FThe gpyfft module was not found. The Fourier transforms will be done on CPU. 
For more performances, it is advised to install gpyfft.
.The gpyfft module was not found. The Fourier transforms will be done on CPU. 
For more performances, it is advised to install gpyfft.
The gpyfft module was not found. The Fourier transforms will be done on CPU. 
For more performances, it is advised to install gpyfft.
The gpyfft module was not found. The Fourier transforms will be done on CPU. 
For more performances, it is advised to install gpyfft.
The gpyfft module was not found. The Fourier transforms will be done on CPU. 
For more performances, it is advised to install gpyfft.
The gpyfft module was not found. The Fourier transforms will be done on CPU. 
For more performances, it is advised to install gpyfft.
The gpyfft module was not found. The Fourier transforms will be done on CPU. 
For more performances, it is advised to install gpyfft.
.The gpyfft module was not found. The Fourier transforms will be done on CPU. 
For more performances, it is advised to install gpyfft.
The gpyfft module was not found. The Fourier transforms will be done on CPU. 
For more performances, it is advised to install gpyfft.
 FutureWarning: Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is 
deprecated; use `arr[tuple(seq)]` instead of `arr[seq]`. In the future this 
will be interpreted as an array index, `arr[np.array(seq)]`, which will result 
either in an error or a different result.
  gradient[slice_all] = np.diff(img, axis=d)
CompilerWarning: Built kernel retrieved from cache. Original from-source build 
had warnings:
Build on <pyopencl.Device 'pthread-Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 v2 @ 2.00GHz' 
on 'Portable Computing Language' at 0x2d6e6d0> succeeded, but said:

warning: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile-f7-98-f8-b4-76.cl:357:33: 
passing 'const __global float *' to parameter of type '__global float *' 
discards qualifiers
warning: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile-f7-98-f8-b4-76.cl:359:31: 
passing 'const __global float *' to parameter of type '__global float *' 
discards qualifiers
warning: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile-f7-98-f8-b4-76.cl:364:13 
passing 'const __global float *' to parameter of type '__global float *' 
discards qualifiers
warning: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile-f7-98-f8-b4-76.cl:364:13 
passing 'const __global float *' to parameter of type '__global float *' 
discards qualifiers
warning: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile-f7-98-f8-b4-76.cl:468:34: 
passing 'const __global float *' to parameter of type '__global float *' 
discards qualifiers
warning: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile-f7-98-f8-b4-76.cl:471:15 
passing 'const __global float *' to parameter of type '__global float *' 
discards qualifiers
warning: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile-f7-98-f8-b4-76.cl:471:15 
passing 'const __global float *' to parameter of type '__global float *' 
discards qualifiers

  warn(text, CompilerWarning)
../usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyopencl/__init__.py:231: CompilerWarning: 
Built kernel retrieved from cache. Original from-source build had warnings:
Build on <pyopencl.Device 'pthread-Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 v2 @ 2.00GHz' 
on 'Portable Computing Language' at 0x2d6e6d0> succeeded, but said:

warning: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile-d7-82-70-03-d8.cl:357:33: 
passing 'const __global float *' to parameter of type '__global float *' 
discards qualifiers
warning: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile-d7-82-70-03-d8.cl:359:31: 
passing 'const __global float *' to parameter of type '__global float *' 
discards qualifiers
warning: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile-d7-82-70-03-d8.cl:364:13 
passing 'const __global float *' to parameter of type '__global float *' 
discards qualifiers
warning: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile-d7-82-70-03-d8.cl:364:13 
passing 'const __global float *' to parameter of type '__global float *' 
discards qualifiers
warning: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile-d7-82-70-03-d8.cl:468:34: 
passing 'const __global float *' to parameter of type '__global float *' 
discards qualifiers
warning: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile-d7-82-70-03-d8.cl:471:15 
passing 'const __global float *' to parameter of type '__global float *' 
discards qualifiers
warning: /home/picca/.cache/pocl/kcache/tempfile-d7-82-70-03-d8.cl:471:15 
passing 'const __global float *' to parameter of type '__global float *' 
discards qualifiers

  warn(text, CompilerWarning)
FAIL: test_medfilt (silx.opencl.test.test_medfilt.TestMedianFilter)
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 115, in test_medfilt
    self.assertEqual(r.error, 0, 'Results are correct')
AssertionError: 3.4028235e+38 != 0 : Results are correct

Ran 217 tests in 69.672s

So these warning seems innocent...

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