Hey all,

I highly suspect all of these crashes are due to disable/tracing.patch:

Two reasons:

* It is the only patch that makes changes to memory_instrumentation.
* I am maintaining a fork of Debian's Chromium based on 79.0.3945.79 that does
not include disable/tracing.patch, and I don't have any of the segfaults
described in this issue. I've been running my fork daily for a little over a
week without problems.

I don't know why exactly the patch causes the segfault, but the safest solution
is to rebuild Chromium without the changes that disable tracing:

1. Download the debian/ directory from Salsa (above) or via "apt source
chromium". We don't want the orig tarball (we will need to re-generate it)
1. Remove disable/tracing.patch from debian/patches/series
2. Remove disable/perfetto.patch from debian/patches/series (not completely sure
this is necessary, but Catapult and Perfetto are both used in Chromium's
3. Remove from debian/copyright's Files-Excluded section:
    * Remove any path containing "tracing"
    * Remove third_party/perfetto
    * Remove third_party/catapult/*
4. Rebuild the browser with a new orig tarball:
    a. Install dependencies: mk-build-deps -i debian/control
    b. Make new orig tarball: ./debian/rules get-orig-source
    c. Now just build normally, e.g. cd chromium-x.x.x.x && dpkg-buildpackage -b

NOTE: These changes will make the browser depend on minified javascript files
again, which was the original motivation for disabling tracing (as noted in the
header of disable/tracing.patch).

Hope that helps,

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