tags 365110 + moreinfo
tags 365110 + unreproducible

Hello, sorry for being so long to answer that report, I really had a lot
to do in real life recently...

I just installed a fresh new etch system (in a vserver) and
installed xscreensaver and electricsheep. I'm surprised, I cannot
reproduce that bug.
Everything goes fine on my etch system.

Anyway, I know that 2.6.5 (the version in etch) is affected by an
upstream bug about memory handling, which has been closed in version

I installed 2.6.6-1 (the package is going to be uploaded soon,
hopefully) and checked that evrything is ok on etch with this version.

So I suppose that the bug your are experiencing will disappear with

I welcome a report though, if you can grab the source package from my repo,
build it on your etch system and then test it:

    deb-src http://www.sukria.net/debian ./
    apt-get source electricsheep
    cd electricsheep-2.6.6
    dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot

Thanks for your report.



Alexis Sukrieh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Debian                   http://www.debian.org
Backup Manager   http://www.backup-manager.org

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