Control: severity -1 normal
Control: tags -1 moreinfo

Am 09.04.20 um 10:10 schrieb Michael Lustfield:
> Package: ublock-origin
> Version: 1.25.0+dfsg-1
> Severity: serious
> I noticed some issues with debian/copyright in this package.
> Missing from d/copyright:
> - uAssets/thirdparties/*
> - uAssets/fisters/annoyances.txt
> - src/img/fontawesome
> - src/js/codemirror
> - src/lib/codemirror
> - src/lib/publicsuffixlist
> - src/lib/punycode.js
> Note-1: I believe annoyances.txt is meant to be GPL-3+.
>         Please consider contacting upstream for clarification.

Everything that is not explicitly mentioned in d/copyright is licensed
under GPL-3+ because of the first license paragraph:

Files: *
Copyright: (C) 2014-2019 The uBlock Origin authors
 (C) 2014-2020 Raymond Hill
License: GPL-3+


to learn more about the copyright syntax.

> Note-2: Rather than specifying each file, using globs on
>         "thirdparty/$location/*" would probably easier for you to maintain.

Not all thirdparty files are non-free, using globs would be wrong.
Currently it works as intended.

> Note-3: Why are there changelog copies in debian/upstream?

The amo-changelog tool in mozilla-devscripts does not work anymore. We
cannot extract the latest changelog information with it and upstream
does not ship a changelog file with the sources. The changelog copies in
debian/upstream were the last time we could extract the information
without any issues.

Markus Koschany

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