On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 02:18:48PM +0100, peter green wrote:
> Adrian filed a rc bug in November 2019 which received no maintainer response, 
> however the package was not autoremoved from testing due to aufs and 
> aufs-tools being considered a "key packages" due to high popcon. This popcon 
> actually seems to be growing in both absolute and percentage terms. I presume 
> the high popcon is due to some deriviative (hence debian-derivatives and 
> debian-live in cc) using aufs in their live image builds (as far as I can 
> tell debian's own live images seem to use overlayfs instead nowadays).

It doesn't have to be a derivative, one webhoster who installs popcon by 
default is enough.

phpmyadmin in stretch was a similar case, it went up to 10% popcon 
despite nothing in Debian installing it by default and no reverse 
dependencies (only a Suggests from a package with single-digit popcon).

When the release team went through RC bugs key packages closer to the
freeze phpmyadmin was removed from testing (and is not in buster).


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