Trek pisze:


> so the fix would be like the one attached to this mail

I've tried this update-rc.d -f sysstat command manually, and then I run
'apt install --reinstall sysstat', and as the result the warning about
default stop level is fixed, but the original warning about overlapping
run-levels is not.

>> insserv: Script ssh has overlapping Default-Start and Default-Stop
>> runlevels (2 3 4 5) and (2 3 4 5). This should be fixed.

What is surprising the ssh warning is shown even if I run insserv from
the command line without giving any other arguments:

robert@vox:/tmp$ sudo insserv
insserv: Script ssh has overlapping Default-Start and Default-Stop
runlevels (2 3 4 5) and (2 3 4 5). This should be fixed.
insserv: FATAL: service mountkernfs has to exist for service udev
insserv: FATAL: service mountdevsubfs has to exist for service hwclock
insserv: FATAL: service urandom has to exist for service networking
insserv: exiting now!

While the sysstat warning is shown only on upgrades.

Anyway I've just checked what the ssh links are:

robert@vox:/tmp$ sudo ls -la /etc/rc*.d/*ssh*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 2017-03-27  /etc/rc2.d/K01ssh -> ../init.d/ssh
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 2017-03-27  /etc/rc3.d/K01ssh -> ../init.d/ssh
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 2017-03-27  /etc/rc4.d/K01ssh -> ../init.d/ssh
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 2017-03-27  /etc/rc5.d/K01ssh -> ../init.d/ssh

Removing the links removes the warning as well:

robert@vox:/tmp$ sudo update-rc.d -f ssh remove
insserv: Script ssh has overlapping Default-Start and Default-Stop
runlevels (2 3 4 5) and (2 3 4 5). This should be fixed.

robert@vox:/tmp$ sudo insserv
insserv: FATAL: service mountkernfs has to exist for service udev
insserv: FATAL: service mountdevsubfs has to exist for service hwclock
insserv: FATAL: service urandom has to exist for service networking
insserv: exiting now!

Even apt install --reinstall sysstat does not display any warning.

But when I re-add the K01ssh links, 'apt install --reinstall sysstat'
warns about ssh, and no longer about sysstat service...

Oh, wait, I've just read my email from Sunday, and it looks like the
warning on my system was always about ssh:
>> insserv: warning: current stop runlevel(s) (empty) of script
>>`sysstat' overrides LSB defaults (0 1 6).
>> insserv: Script ssh has overlapping Default-Start and Default-Stop
>> runlevels (2 3 4 5) and (2 3 4 5). This should be fixed.

Sorry about not noticing it before, I must have been too strongly
suggested by the Julian's original bug report :(

So it looks like the warning says that run-level links were customized
by a user. IMHO it would be nice if the warning message stated this
simple fact in a more explicit way.

> this instead comes from ssh, that have an empty Default-Stop too
> @Robert Luberda: I ran out of ideas, your script was correct with an
> empty Default-Stop field, like the ssh one!

I looked into insserv(8) man page before changing the script, and was
under impression that Default-Start and Default-Stop must contain at
least one run level, as the example given at the top of the man page says:

    # Default-Start:     run_level_1 [ run_level_2 ...]
    # Default-Stop:      run_level_1 [ run_level_2 ...]

But if you're sure they can be empty, I will revert the change in
sysstat's init.d script.


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