On Wed, 10 Feb 2021 21:02:47 +0100 Bertrand Marc <bm...@debian.org>
> Indeed, the original issue reported in this bug was fixed in 1.11-1.
> However, the general issue of flaky tests is still there: 
> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/rb-pkg/unstable/amd64/libextractor.html
> Would you consider this bug as fixed?

I hadn't seen the failure at reproducible builds; indeed that's not
looking good.

I've built libextractor about a dozen times and can't reproduce the
test_html failure. Perhaps it happens so seldom that it won't happen on
a buildd, or is specific to the Reproducible Builds environment.

I personally regard the issue fixed, since the original issue was
mitigated and the test_html failure seems to be within other margins of
failure. Usually a second build is tried before an FTBFS bug is
warranted, and none of the applicable dependencies have had any change.

Note that the bug submitter was not filing a conventional FTBFS on
behalf of QA or the Release Team, but instead was concerned with the
librpm9 transition.

Let me know if there's anything particular I can do to help, and thanks
for your careful maintainership.

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