On 2021-02-18 02:32:10, Sadie Powell wrote:
> Charybdis' development was terminated due to (among other reasons) threats by 
> a former maintainer. It probably won't be revived.
> It's successor is probably Solanum (https://github.com/solanum-ircd/solanum) 
> which is a fork that is led by freenode and OFTC people some of whom were 
> contributors to Charybdis. It might be a good idea to package that instead 
> when it gets a release?

I believe my co-maintainer here is working on this, actually. No WNPP
bug, as far as I know, but as you say, without an upstream release it
might not be worth it just yet.

But yes, it's pretty much the replacement for charybdis, but do note
that it's not a drop-in replacement.


We will create a civilization of the Mind in Cyberspace. May it be more
humane and fair than the world your governments have made before.
                        - John Perry Barlow, 1996
                        A Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace

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