Control: tag -1 + moreinfo unreproducible

Jean-Christophe, are you still interested in figuring this out?  If so
you need to provide more information.  You also don't say what else
you have tried to investigate this.

I tried reproducing your observed behaviour, but it doesn't manifest
here unless I put "TLS_REQCERT allow" into my normal user's ~/.ldaprc
file (which is not a bug, but a misconfiguration).

"ldap_sasl_bind_s(): Can't contact LDAP server" is really just a
generic TLS error which could have a million different causes.  Some
ideas what could be going on:

* The certificates may have been generated with outdated TLS
  parameters or the server is running outdated configuration options.
  I recall that during the move to buster OpenSSL changed its default
  settings for what versions of TLS it still allows (TLS_CIPHER_SUITE,
  TLS_PROTOCOL_MIN).  Give us the output of:

  openssl s_client -debug -connect -verify 255 

  Altering the server config to always use at least TLSv1.2 might
  already help.  Regenerating the server certificates is worth a try,

* You run "ldapsearch" under the effective user id of "jc", but "sudo"
  runs under the effective user id of "root".  If you have a file
  ~jc/.ldaprc with different TLS settings this could explain why the
  "ldapsearch" command succeeds, but "sudo -l" fails.  What happens if
  you run "ldapsearch" under a freshly created user?  Please run "sudo
  -l" as root and tell us if the error still occurs.  If it does then
  as root run this command and give us /tmp/sudo-l-strace.gz

  strace -f -s 2048 sudo -l |& gzip -9c > /tmp/sudo-l-strace.gz

  Also to turn off any initialization mechanisms run your ldapsearch
  commands like this:

  LDAPNOINIT=1 ldapsearch -x -H ...

  Tell us if this changes anything.

Until you can give us something that clearly points to the code of
sudo-ldap doing something it shouldn't we have to assume that this is
due to a misconfiguration.


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