Steinar H. Gunderson wrote:
> shouldn't be all that hard), but I don't think one would want pulling iconv
> into d-i, and I've never seen any templates _not_ in UTF-8 or ASCII, so I
> guess it would be a bit pointless. However, it special-cases fields like
> "Description-xx.UTF-8", so this should really have worked... until you
> consider that it searches for ".UTF-8" using strstr(), which is
> case-sensitive, and debconf (which wrote the template file in the first
> place) writes ".utf-8".

Nice detective work.

> The patch below makes cdebconf use strcasestr() instead of strstr(), which
> fixes the problem for all but one template in that file, namely
> ifupdown/convert-interfaces, which I believe is rather broken anyhow as it
> uses UTF-8 without specifying a character set (just "Description-xx: ").

If it's using ascii that's valid, anyway cdebconf should also be sure to
copy Description-xx[_XX] fields too, as debconf will store them that way
if the package doesn't specifiy an encoding.

see shy jo

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