On Sun, Nov 7, 2021 at 11:39 PM Charles Cazabon
<charlesc-getm...@pyropus.ca> wrote:
> Sudip Mukherjee <sudipm.mukher...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >


> So, my preference is:
> 1. rename the package and executable.  As I have pointed out, this is the
> normal, polite, accepted best practice when forking a project.  The fact that
> Roland claims to have "as much right to the getmail name" as I, the author,
> do, just means that Debian should rename their package without waiting for
> Roland to do the right thing.  As I said, Debian is supposed to be about doing
> what is ethical - so why do you object to renaming a hostile fork of an
> actively-developed project which is namesquatting on the original project 
> name?

iiuc, getmail6 is not a "hostile fork". getmail6 is a Python3 based
fork which all the distros had to package because you have declined to
support Python3. Roland has offered to send you ( I think already sent
you) patches.
There are many other projects whose python3 fork is now coexisting
with the original project and the maintainers have realised the need
to support the python3 fork.

If I rename the package then I will need to add another transitional
package linking getmail6 with the new package which will not do
anything to help your problem.

Renaming the executable is not possible as that will break lots of
user's scripts. And if the executables need to be renamed then that
needs to be done from upstream so that it is consistent in all other
distros and pypi. Please discuss that with Roland, the getmail6
upstream maintainer.

> 2. If (1) is rejected, then drop "getmail6" completely.  Restore the getmail
> package that depends on python2.7 and everything will continue to work for
> users who have getmail installed pre-upgrade, or who want to install it
> afterwards.

Not possible.
Python 2.7 is there only for the build process and not for running
applications. The following is quoted from Debian Bullseye release

Python 2 is already beyond its End Of Life, and will receive no
security updates. It is not supported for running applications, and
packages relying on it have either been switched to Python 3 or
removed. However, Debian bullseye does still include a version of
Python 2.7, as well as a small number of Python 2 build tools such as
python-setuptools. These are present only because they are required
for a few application build processes that have not yet been converted
to Python 3.

Not just Debian but all the distros need to have a Python3 version of
getmail and getmail6 is the only alternative available now. I will be
very very happy to remove getmail6 when you release a Python3 version
of getmail. But until then I will only remove the transitional

I don't see the need to communicate any further on this and to
summarise what I have said:
1) I will remove the transitional package for now using this bug report.
2) Please do let me know after you have released a Python3 version of
getmail and i will remove getmail6.


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