> Am Sun, Dec 05, 2021 at 10:53:56AM +0100 schrieb Paul Gevers:
> > The problem really is lack of maintenance. In my opinion, chromium deserves
> > an active *team* to support it in Debian.
> > We'll not ship it in bookworm unless we see steady uploads
> > in unstable and we see security uploads in stable.

FWIW, as the person currently sponsoring the (few) uploads thatt happen,
I also approve of this.
I had some hopes for the current "team" (m)ilbert and Michel), but
gilbert's mail even started bouncing, and Micheal became less and less
responsive :(  - I understand it's a complicated package so yes, there
needs to be a real team: I also recommend you require an active (as
gilbert is not) DD in the team that actually maintains chromium (so not
me who just sponsor the uploads).

                        Mattia Rizzolo

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