
Am Wed, May 04, 2022 at 03:34:43PM +0200 schrieb Johannes Schauer Marin 
> I asked in #debian-release and Sebastian Ramacher writes:
> 15:27 < Sebastinas> libdcmtk17 will also need Breaks+Replaces on the 
> libdcmtk16 version with the .so.17 files.
> 15:29 < Sebastinas> At least odil is involved in one ongoing transition, so 
> the binNMU for icu may have broken that.
> 15:29 < Sebastinas> I'd appreciate a revert.

I'm an3as in IRC but I do not lurk in IRC usually.

Its obvious that I did also this in a hurry.
> So it seems that the right way forward would be an upload of
> dcmtk-3.6.7+really3.6.6.
> And then not forgetting the Breaks+Replaces from libdcmtk17 on libdcmtk16 (=
> 3.6.7-1)

Well, I think I could do this in the source only upload.  I just pushed
that change to Git[1] to make sure we will not forget this.  Roling back
to dcmtk-3.6.7+really3.6.6 would remain an option anyway if this will be
more convenient for you.

Kind regards




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