Control: reopen -1
Control: reassign -1 dkms 3.0.3-1
Control: retitle -1 dkms: autopkgtest mixes headers from sid and testing

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
linux-headers-5.17.0-2-arm64 : Depends: linux-kbuild-5.17 (>= 5.17.6-1) but 5.17.3-1 is to be installed linux-headers-5.17.0-2-cloud-arm64 : Depends: linux-kbuild-5.17 (>= 5.17.6-1) but 5.17.3-1 is to be installed linux-headers-5.17.0-2-rt-arm64 : Depends: linux-kbuild-5.17 (>= 5.17.6-1) but 5.17.3-1 is to be installed

As this still shows up in amd64 and after the latest kernel packages got installable again in sid, I have another guess what might be happening here [, but I fail to verify that locally -- not any more ;-)].

I'm concentrating on r8168 since that is a more lightweight package than the nvidia drivers (but still in non-free)

My guess is that apt pinning comes into play here, installing
linux-headers-5.17.0-1-amd64 from testing and
linux-headers-5.17.0-2-amd64 from sid both need linux-kbuild-5.17, but the testing version gets selected due to a higher score after pinning, but that is not sufficient for the headers from sid.

I tried with the following command line distilled from above log from r8168:

autopkgtest --ignore-restrictions=breaks-testbed --no-built-binaries --apt-upgrade --add-apt-release=unstable --pin-packages=unstable=src:dkms --output-dir /tmp/ci-out.$(date +%s) r8168 -- schroot autopkgtest-bookworm-amd64

--ignore-restrictions=breaks-testbed on schroot is fine here since schroot provides enough isolation for "autopkgtests installing random packages"

Unfortunately the pinning does not work here - the full chroot is upgraded to unstable first. I'm probably missing some default pinning settings here ...

OK, adding --apt-default-release=bookworm makes it work and reproduces the error :-) Why is that not needed with the ci chroots?

BTW, /usr/share/autopkgtest/lib/ run_setup_commands (add_apt_releases) has two issues I needed to work around in my chroot: * it expects /etc/apt/sources.list to exist (I only had sources.list.d/bookworm.list)
* it does not cope with tabs instead of spaces as separators

The fix on the dkms side is probably to only select the linux-headers-* packages for installation that match the version of the installed linux-doc (that's a dependency generated by autodep8). Checking that tonight.


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