Control: tag -1 -fixed-upstream
Control: notforwarded -1

On 19 May 2022 15:01:12 +0000 Chris Knadle <> wrote:
> Mumble 1.3 is not buildable with OpenSSL 3.0 and there is no patch available 
> to allow doing so. There was an upstream attempt to backport patches for
> Mumble 1.4  for Mumble 1.3 but there were enough issues that the effort had
> to be abandoned.

Removing the fixed-upstream tag and the forwarded field.

> I'm currently trying to package Mumble 1.4 which could resolve the problem, titled 
"BUILD(crypto): Migrate to OpenSSL 3.0 API" is merged into master (branch) 
with commit f4cea62ed9, but that is NOT part of the 1.4.230 release.

Nonetheless it would still be good to have 1.4.230 in Debian :-)

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