Hi Paul,

I have checked in bonsai code base, and there is no reference to
should_close_asyncio_loop. It looks like a tornado thing.

However, looking at the full error trace, I can see that:

> ldapwhoami: unrecognized option -�
> Issue LDAP Who am I? operation to request user's authzid
> usage: ldapwhoami [options]
> Common options:
>   -d level   set LDAP debugging level to `level'
>   -D binddn  bind DN
> [...]

Which may cause the tests to be aborted early and cause
should_close_asyncio_loop to be accessed[1] before it is defined[2] in


There were a few unreleased patches from bonsai[3], I'll make a new


In the meantime, I think that the should_close_asyncio_loop attribute
should be defined in tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase.__init__() instead of
in tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase.setUp().

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