Package: src:blist
Severity: serious


The blist package, currently team-maintained by the Debian Python Team, has not been updated by its maintainer since 2015. 4 uploads fixing either important bugs, or making sure it respects the DPT policy have been made since then.

As such, I consider this package is not currently maintained by anyone, and thus violates the DPT policy.

Moreover, blist is dead upstream: no commit has been made to the project since 2014. This is problematic, as we are now carrying patches for Python 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11.

As such, I don't think this package should make it to Bookworm. It probably should eventually be RMed too.

I'm CC-ing Sebastien Delafond explicitly, as he seems to be the maintainer of all the packages in the archive that depend or build-depend on blist (python-raccoon, python-panwid, elastalert).

In a perfect world, those packages should migrate away from blist in time for the freeze. If not possible, it would be nice if it could have an active maintainer again.


  ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  Louis-Philippe Véronneau
  ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋ /

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