Source: clamav
Version: 1.0.0+dfsg-2
Severity: serious
Tags: ftbfs

Dependency installability problem for clamav on mips64el:
clamav build-depends on:
- rust-lldb:mips64el
rust-lldb depends on missing:
- lldb-14:mips64el

Dependency installability problem for clamav on mipsel:

clamav build-depends on:
- rust-lldb:mipsel
rust-lldb depends on missing:
- lldb-14:mipsel

Is there actually a reason why the build dependency on rust-lldb
is required at all?

CMakeLists.txt calls find_package(Rust REQUIRED), which is implemented
in the generic cmake/FindRust.cmake (not written for clamav).

cmake/FindRust.cmake does check for tools like rust-lldb,
but rust-lldb does not seem to be used anywhere.

Test builds without rust-lldb succeeded for me on amd64 and mipsel,
with no code changes detected in the amd64 build by diffoscope.

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