On Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 10:55:09PM +0100, Alexandre Rossi wrote:
> https://mentors.debian.net/package/libjna-java/
> My commits are available at: https://salsa.debian.org/niol/libjna-java/

Hi Alex,

The update looks good to me and a rebuild of rdeps with ratt was
successful.  Or more precisely, was successful for the packages that
also build against 5.12.1.  So I have just uploaded to the archive.

I started with gbp import-dsc from the source package on mentors, so
your commits are all squashed into a single commit in the update pushed
to the packaging repo.  If you really want them in the commit history,
I can revert that commit and merge from your fork.

Thank you for your work!

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