I dont know.

José claims he has uploaded packages six weeks ago, but there's nothing
to be found online. I've checked packages.qa.d.o and bugs.d.o... But the
ITP hasn't been closed, so I suppose it never made it. Also, the dbmail
packages depend on libsieve >=2.1.12, which was only released last weekend.

José, any news wrt #325086? If not, would you mind if Francisco uploads
my packages?

Francesco Paolo Lovergine wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 25, 2006 at 04:01:45PM +0200, Paul J Stevens wrote:
>> (cc Francisco)
>> Julien,
>> I've just released dbmail-2.1.7 and have uploaded i386 and amd64
>> packages to my deb repo. The packages are lintian clean, and I'm quite
>> happy with their state. All that remains tbd are some debconf cleanups.
>> I've asked my sponsor Francisco Lovergine to vet the latest package set,
>> and upload them if he's satisfied.
>> Personally, the only obstacle I see is their dependency on a library
>> that's not yet in debian (libsieve.sf.net). But I've also prepared
>> packages for those that will close the related ITP (#325086) and have
>> approached the owner of that ticket.
> Do I have to wait for libsieve ack or manage to upload paul's one?
> Answer by libsieve original proposer is not clear...

  Paul Stevens                                      paul at nfg.nl
  NET FACILITIES GROUP                     GPG/PGP: 1024D/11F8CD31
  The Netherlands________________________________http://www.nfg.nl

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