Control: tags -1 pending

On 4/27/23 14:58, Helmut Grohne wrote:
Attempting to unpack pdl/1:2.081-1+b1 from Debian bookworm
on a minimal Debian bullseye with libpdl-stats-perl/0.76-1
installed, causes an unpack error from dpkg due to
/usr/share/man/man3/PDL::GSL::CDF.3pm.gz being contained in both packages.

libpdl-stats-perl (0.82-3) in bookworm no longer includes the PDL::GSL::CDF files, but that can only be installed after the pdl (1:2.081-1).

The CDF files are no longer included since libpdl-stats-perl (0.77-1~exp1).

The issue is fixed in git and a new upload to unstable will follow shortly.

Kind Regards,


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