* Rafael Laboissière <raf...@debian.org> [2023-12-15 21:44]:

* Santiago Vila <sanv...@debian.org> [2023-12-15 18:15]:

The thing I don't understand here is why this problem in octave-vibes was diagnosed as an "unwritable $HOME" in the first place.

This is what I concluded after running some tests, but I do not remember the details. I will try to replicate it.

I did the investigation again, using pbuilder. Here is what I found:

– In my case, pbuilder sets HOME=/nonexistent/ and debhelper (compat level = 13) keeps that setting. Hence, the package FTBFS.

– If I use "export HOME = /tmp", for instance, in debian/rules, then the build succeeds.


Rafael Laboissière

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